Output Sized Glass
The pulverized windshield glass aggregate produced is 3/8″ or finer. The PVB inner layer is 3/8″ and larger with trace amounts of glass and rubber.
Each system consists of a windshield stripper, conveyor, and trommel separator. A system can also be expanded to include a metering surge hopper and pulverizer.
Broken windshields are hand-fed or mechanically-fed into the windshield stripper and conveyed into the pulverizer where the remaining glass particles on the surface of the PVB are removed. The PVB pieces remain large enough to be mechanically size separated from the pulverized glass with the trommel.
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The Andela Windshield Stripper will process approximately 4 tons per hour. This unit breaks down laminated glass and automobile windshields into two recyclable products: a clean, homogeneous pulverized glass product, and plastic laminate pieces. The Andela Windshield Stripper is unique in its ability to remove virtually all of the glass from the plastic laminate material, and provides a simple, low cost solution to windshield recycling. Pair this unit with a trommel and/or a glass pulverizer to have a full processing system.
Why Choose Andela Products
- A global company with sales throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, Spain, France, and more
- Custom-built machines to your organization's specific needs
- Durable and built to last longer than competitor machines
- Built-in safety features to ensure proper machine use