Baltimore Goodwill Unveils Glass Recycling Plan With GP-05L, Nicknamed “Poe”

Looking for an innovative and eco-friendly solution to divert glass waste from landfill?

Andela’s glass to sand pulverizers might transform how your business approaches sustainability. Baltimore-based Goodwill Chesapeake Sustainability Center recently unveiled their GP-05L glass pulverizer, affectionately named Poe, as a shining example of how companies can give unsellable glass a second life.

What can Andela’s Pulverizers do for you?

  1. Waste Reduction: Like Goodwill, you can reduce the amount of glass going to landfill. Andela pulverizers turn unsellable glass into sand that can be reused in various projects, from construction to landscaping.
  2. Sustainability in Action: Only 33% of glass waste is recycled in the U.S., but with an Andela pulverizer you can make an immediate environmental impact by recycling glass on-site.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Save on waste disposal fees while producing valuable sand that can be used for new ventures.
  4. Community Impact: Goodwill’s initiative also provides green job training, offering employees new skills. Your business can likewise become a leader in sustainability and job creation.

Goodwill Chesapeake Sustainability Center's new glass pulverizer

Join the Movement

Empower your business with an Andela Glass Pulverizer — an investment in both the environment and your bottom line. Like Goodwill, you can become a pioneer in turning waste into opportunities.


Interested? Contact us today to learn how our pulverizers can meet your sustainability goals.

More on Goodwill Chesapeake:

Goodwill Chesapeake Facebook Page

ABC News Baltimore: ‘Poe the Pulverizer’ is reporting for duty

Fox News Baltimore: Goodwill unveils new glass pulverizer to convert unsellable glass

NBC News Baltimore: Goodwill gets machine to ensure glass doesn’t end up in landfills